It is February already how did it get to that?
Well anyway I have made two dishes from Nigel Slater
I have to say the photo does not make it look good but it was delicious. I would put in less pearly barley, and a small parsnip. Much as I like parsnips - not love - the taste seemed to over whelm it, and we were counting the pieces of meat. So next time more meat than the two steaks for £5.
I have never got around why lamb is so expensive and what difficulty we have getting it in this country at a reasonable price.
This is the stew cooking and the dahl and pumpkin soup in the background, which was so tasty. I doubled it and also doubled the chillis which was quite amusing as I suddenly had a panic on and removed one of the chopped red chillies, which was a great saver as one was perfect for the doubled recipe.
We took this soup frozen to Shenstone and it was a life saver.
Today the start of my sewing sessions with Sylvia. I am going to complete, Or start rather, Hannah's patchwork quilt that Mum was going to make for her. We have gone through the materials and taken the wild 90's material out that she doesn't like and she has chosen a few more orange, yellows and Browns. The original design which we are not doing due mainly to my inaptness at patchwork is shown here.
We are making a basic block.
And here I am already to go with my bags ready to go to her house. I am. Also taking mums quilt to see if Sylvia fancies quilting it on her NEW sewing machine.
I also have some old wrap around aprons made with some lovely 'retro' material from the Aunties to show Sylvia.
This is mum's old Bernina. Everyone I have mentioned it to, have said what a good machine it is. I have a Husquavarne, which I had as a wedding present from Granny & Grandpa Tait 28 years ago. It puckers and the tension is rubbish I think I may get it serviced and see what they can do.
Here is mum's Bernina.
It is quite heavy so not taking it today as I will be mainly cutting out.