Sunday, 1 January 2012

Bad colds!

For the last year I have had cold after cold after cold - I am sort of cold free at mo! -Bit of a blocked nose and sneezes and racking cough -(oh sounds like a cold) but OH is really poorly has a bad cold which has taken him to bed - not like him - he never gets a cold. He did see someone who said he had not had such a bad cold as this for 30 yrs! Unfortunately I think OH has caught it. It has spoiled his Christmas and New Year. But that is now all over so we can only hope things improve. I will make him another Hot Honey, Fresh Ginger and Lemon in a mo. but we have run out of fresh ginger shall use powder- not quite the same but almost as good!

We have been good with food this Christmas and New Year and have just bought what we needed and didn't get into that mad food shopping lark - admittedly there were only the 4 of us at home but apart from forgetting carrots and then Father Christmas leaving us some on the doorstep for me to trip over as I went out to Church on Christmas morning and now the ginger we have done very well. Even with last night's take away we have saved it for today - breakfast I don't think!

What sewing have I done this Christmas?

Unfortunately I missed the Harrogate Knitting & Sewing Show with my mum being poorly and so I decided I would make my reindeer cushions, which were really meant to be for last Christmas, but I never got round to it. I made for a few people and myself reindeer cushions - I love them so much that i struggled to part with them.

I made a dog one for my dear friend - she hasn't got it yet as I was a bit slow in finishing it-BUT I did then find her a Vizsla's calendar in the Sale.

and then OD decided she wanted to make one - which i absolutely love.

Oh i also found this material in the Nativity costume box that my aunty had given me last year - I think it was a shepherd's costume - we have used the angels and a lot of the shepherds this year BUT I think I will have another look to check there isn't any more!

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