Sunday, 24 January 2016

Bad Back!

Well, today I am resting. On Friday i went for my daily walk trying to do the 1000 miles in 2016 and oh the pain well now I have a bad back, the pain  of my shin splints pales into insignificance.
So I have not walked out since that shin splint pain/ discomfort and pottered about the house.
Having a few tasks to get on with, the most pressing was make a quilt to raffle to raise money for YD trip to UGANDA with GirlGuiding.

So I decided to cut out the pieces. Well I spent a lot of time doing this and now I know that  I should have had a few breaks. It is back breaking work if you do it at a stupid angle like I was and so no surprise to know why I am in such pain this morning.  I am rather proud of what I have done so far. But am now doing things with trepidation.

I have since decided mix up the  shapes rather than have them in their own colour circles. And really rather like it. First pic. Same colour circles, second pic. Mixed up.
 I have also just found some other material that I got from a jumble sale years ago which was already cut into big pieces but I think this pattern will suit  that material and I could raffle that one off too.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


   Last night I went to Yoga, it is at 6.15 to 7.15. I find it a difficult time to go really as I am hungrybut daren't eat anything as when I wrap my head around my ankles I fear the worst with my already eaten tea!!
Anyway last night I went and I had not been for about 9 months. Well I was the fattest and I am sure the oldest. I struggle with my midriff getting in the way. I decided to close my eyes and concentrate on my self and hoped everyone else was doing the same and not looking at my bare muffin top as my t shirt hangs round my neck whilst up side down.
Well I came out exhausted but genuinely relaxed, and looking forward to going next week.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Books and more books

I went to see Star Wars yesterday and loved every minute of it.
 Whilst there it reminded me of the film Revenant  with Leonardo De Caprio, which is coming out soon. I then thought I ought to read the book before I see it. So I went to the library  well first I went into WH Smiths and saw it there for £7.99 and then remembered why I was going to the library...... To see if they had the book In the library and Yes they did and yes they were just closing and had turned all the ticket machines off so the kind librarian sorted it for me, so yes I have the book for free and until the 29th January. Can't wait to start it.
These are my books I am reading. I obviously am distractable -is that a word? Surely a person should not have so many books on the go.? This is the order of my starting them.
1. The romance of the Colorado River by Frederick S. Dellenbaugh, this is the true story of how an expedition including the 17 year old author  Fred, followed and discovered  the river.
2.Tourmaline by James Brogden. Having read the narrows by JB I thought I should read the next which I am enjoying but got distracted.
3.To be A Queen by Annie Whitehead this is a book written by someone I actually know. I am regaling  with the history of this book, as I was rubbish at school and paid no interest in it now in my later years   I am intrigued by it.
4.The Poet's wife by Judith Allnat. About John Clare the poet. I am reading this for book club  and am struggling but mainly with it having been Christmas and lack of time.I don't  think I am going to get it read for Tursday as I want to read the others and not this one, having  chosen the others and not this one!
 5. Fatherland by Robert Harris. This was another book that has been encouraged by the Cinema. I seem to have got it in my head that this was a film but cannot find that it anywhere and was curious of how Britain would be  if Hitler had won the war. 
6. The Revenant by Michael Punke, the aforementioned book that I am desperate to read NOW. I have till 29th January and before the film comes out.
Oh  I forgot Fresh Eggs by Lisa Steele this is a dip in and out book and my hens benefit every time I read it!

Well what am I to do? Should I  read in order of purchasing the books or read in order of desirability??

Other people's blogs.

All I want to do is read other people's blogs? And know what they are up to? I enjoy the variety of people's lives, the places  they live, the things they do, but this is not helping me. As I get nothing done.
 I have told myself it is like magazine reading,dipping into other people's lives. And so it is.
 I need to be strong give myself an hour of looking ( I love the photos too why are mine not as  good - envy!) and then move on, I could sit all day reading the interesting things people get up to.
 Today it is dark and wet and only getting light now at 9.30 am. It doesn't help that the light bulb has gone and I am too lazy to move from this comforting chair to get a new one.

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

The month in Photos Scavenger Hunt

December 2015 

Joy I love  Christmas cards

My homemade Christmas  tree.

Ornament. This was made by my dad at Friday Friends, a lunch club in his local village, which at first he was reluctant to go following my mum's  death. It made him get out and  he sort of enjoyed it and  he chuckled about making this ornament, he was not usually a chuckler!
Light. From the sun rise of the quilt cover made for OD.

Red  this is a novel i have been wanting to read for a while. It is about what may have happened if Hitler was still alive and Germany had won the second world war. Hmmm...... not enjoying it as much as i thought but enjoying the plot. WIt is based in Berlin which is obvious but i thought it may be based in England which it is not at the moment but things may change.

Sparkle of our little Christmas Tree. This was a  work tree that i saved when everything was being thrown out and it has been great this year as we don't have any room to put up our big Christmas tree.

Giving - the hens relentlessly give us lovely eggs each morning.

Food, this was our Christmas dinner minus turkey as that is still in the freezer ready for when OD comes home to us. it was all yummy.
Christmas - i love the way the church is lovingly decorated.

 I can't think of anything for these two,Kitchen & Together well i could have  if i had prepared better, but as this is  my first month i think i will let me off!

                                                                      Whatever You Like
My reindeer cushion covers that i made to sell  a few years ago to raise money for Verity going to Mexico with GirlGuiding and these didn't sell so i have decided to get them out and sue myself this christmas and they looked really good on the settee in the Kitchen/ dining room.
 This i hope is the link to  the scavenger photo  hunt.

Friday, 1 January 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Today is  the 1st of January 2016, what does that mean ? The end of one year and into the next I suppose.

 I feel last year and the previous one has been robbed from us due to circumstances and I have been too tired to do anything with all this travel.
But 2016 is when I must get up and do. Visit the places I want to go, do the things I want to do and just honestly get going.
Will it happen who knows?
Day trips are the answer for this year and utilising my time in a better manner!. Spending time sorting.
 I have just read   And would so love to visit Warwick castle I have not been there since a child. She  mentioned she had visited  Warwick castle  and had some beautiful photos and  I so wish to visit there sometime soon.

My to do list for 2016
  • Visit the Lincolnshire wolds 
  • Visit Warwick Castle (despite the huge cost to get in)
  • Make a patchwork quilt for YD
  • Make a quilt to raffle off for Uganda.
  • Sort mum and dads items and make them into a story book.
  • Sell the toys.
  • Spend more time with OH
  • Sort out health issues.
  • Go for chats with friends.  I have missed tea and cake as I am supposed to be reducing in weight haha ! 
  • Loose 2 stone in weight and eat in a more healthy manner.
  • Support YD with A levels
  • Support OD in her educational requirements.
  • Make space in the house.
  • Delete those people who cause me angst out of my life. Can this be done?
  • Read more, or have more time to read more.

    Are any of these achievable?

    Who? Knows? I will endeavour to review them throughout the year. And see what happens when we get to 2017. That sounds a long way a way but it will be here before I know it.

     I have another one.
    • To keep up todate with my blog!!