Tuesday, 12 January 2016


   Last night I went to Yoga, it is at 6.15 to 7.15. I find it a difficult time to go really as I am hungrybut daren't eat anything as when I wrap my head around my ankles I fear the worst with my already eaten tea!!
Anyway last night I went and I had not been for about 9 months. Well I was the fattest and I am sure the oldest. I struggle with my midriff getting in the way. I decided to close my eyes and concentrate on my self and hoped everyone else was doing the same and not looking at my bare muffin top as my t shirt hangs round my neck whilst up side down.
Well I came out exhausted but genuinely relaxed, and looking forward to going next week.


  1. Way to go! I've never gone to yoga class. I feel quite sure my "Pooh" midsection would very much get in the way!
    I hope you have an encouraging weekend.

    1. Yoga is great if you can not look at the other sylph like people and get in your own zone!

  2. Bravo on going to yoga. I swim three times a week and that's my regimen. Have fun! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  3. Bravo on going to yoga. I swim three times a week and that's my regimen. Have fun! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  4. I am so so inflexible I imagine that yoga would just make me miserable (I have a muscle condition in my legs that means my muscles are very tight,can't remember it is called- I just remember my mum telling me that was the reason I was only one in my jazz class who couldn't do the splits- I wasn't anywhere NEAR the floor!!x

  5. This is why I do yoga at home! I'm both insecure and extremely competitive which is exactly what yoga is not : ). But it's so worth it.
