So I have not walked out since that shin splint pain/ discomfort and pottered about the house.
Having a few tasks to get on with, the most pressing was make a quilt to raffle to raise money for YD trip to UGANDA with GirlGuiding.
So I decided to cut out the pieces. Well I spent a lot of time doing this and now I know that I should have had a few breaks. It is back breaking work if you do it at a stupid angle like I was and so no surprise to know why I am in such pain this morning. I am rather proud of what I have done so far. But am now doing things with trepidation.
I have since decided mix up the shapes rather than have them in their own colour circles. And really rather like it. First pic. Same colour circles, second pic. Mixed up.
I have also just found some other material that I got from a jumble sale years ago which was already cut into big pieces but I think this pattern will suit that material and I could raffle that one off too.
Bravo! It is already looking absolutely lovely!x