Wednesday 30 December 2015


I never was much of a reader that I can remember, well things were different in those days. In clearing my parent's last things from their house I notice what a lot of children's books. I never read them! Being the youngest for what ever reason I didn't seem to want to or perhaps they were books chosen by my siblings and me, in my bloody mindedness, would not read what they had chosen. Possibly not my genre anyway.
In my desperation to read the book I had seen that looked fascinating, and being told my YD that she had it and trolling through her books not seeing it. I went out and bought it. It cost £8.99 from water stones, I didn't get a stamp I had not spent £10 I was told! 
Anyway later on in the afternoon we, well I, decided to sort out YD's daughter's book case/cupboard. I always used to do this for her/ them when they were little when they were at school and  yesterday I did this mainly as the A level student had no room to put anything and because I knew she had all her school text books from Year 7 at the back of the book case that would make room. Also I had not tidied for possibly 5/6 years  (well must be because if year 7  things there it mst be almost that) So we had a good sort. And of course a fall out as we do not sort in the same way and I had taken over. Well in the end I had a large linen basket for paper recycling aka text books from year 7 and beyond..... And the said book which was hidden around the corner of the said book case/ cupboard. So I tried not to be cross and I like my copy better anyway  as it is a 20th edition. Yes 20th edition. It was written over 20 years ago where have I been! Well I now have the book and have read to chapter two. Exciting.

Saturday 19 December 2015

Friday 7 August 2015

Missing the kitchen table

Soon I will have my dad's lovely table. Must say I do like sitting at a table nits ok for camping but.....

Thursday 6 August 2015

Th living room the night after....

 I am so glad I am not a minimalist / tidy person. I love stuff but I do like it in it's place. The YD and her friends are camping out on this wet 24 hours and spent most of it watching DVDs and eating crisps etc.  Whatever 17 year old girls do, inside!
I have tidied the cushions but I have refused to move the crisp packets and glasses so will work round these this morning.
Also I like admiring my settee - only ever had two in all the time OH and I have been together and it was a struggle to let the other go as I had the girls measured on it!

The old settee below. I think I am the only one who calls it a settee. Must be a midland  thing.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Book club last night

Last night was book club night at Freyja's. She has a wonderful old Westmorland house  with a tower and a ghost. I convinced myself that little ghost girl had got in the car and had come home with me. But I don't really think she has!

 Our new Book the Rivers of London by Ben AAronovivitch.

We discussed slightly our previous Ian Rankin book which some liked some not. I think we were all too tired to care about  any of the books. All working and playing too hard. But it was lovely get together with like minded people.

 Freyja has a love of sewing and had asked me if I had any autumn colours for a doll's dress she was making.

This wassail I could find. She chose the birch tree one on the left. I will look out and see if there is more, but I did look well last night. Looking forward to seeing the doll dressed once completed.

Monday 3 August 2015

Work today I have been at work but.....

Thinking about my Austrian holiday in 5 days time.
This is a photo of the Gross Glockener Road that sadly two racing drivers lost their lives on very recently. 
We are hoping to have good weather and myself to drive  us up to the top.

Sunday 2 August 2015

The big daughter's quilt ready to go.

The Sunshine and sunset in the two opposite corners. Thought I better put in abit more 'sew' into the blog.

Seats in the garden

I saw this and thought what a lovely idea. To sit and chat!

Saturday 1 August 2015

Book man

Yesterday the book man came to look at the books. I had books everywhere. This is the kitchen table!

Friday 31 July 2015

The hens showing off the lawn.


The outdoor tomatoes

The greenhouse

Some of dad's trees, next year should be looking better.

The front garden with the hens.


Chris' chillies he received on Father's Day doing well!

Back garden

More garden

Well here is summer 2015 July 31st

The dug out rockery with green beans, clematis, sweet peas and nasturtiums. The hens love digging there and so does the rabbit.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Garden today

Over the Easter weekend I have dug  the rockery and cut the raspberries.